Tuesday 27 November 2012

PhotoShop poster

I am writing today to show you what I did in my creative media class, using PhotoShop and the Green screen.
When creating my poster I saved a picture of Sirius Black who was in the Harry Potter films on my documents, then opened it up on PhotoShop.
When I finally found what poster i wanted to stick my face on, i used the Green screen to take a picture of myself with the correct lighting. we had to make sure that the lighting on the picture of me was the same lighting that you would see on the actual poster.
Then I used PhotoShop to cut my head onto the poster, I had to use two layer for this. when I measured my head to the right size, I had to take a copy of the colour that was used on the poster to make my face the same colour, to make it look professional.

Thank you for reading my Blog.

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