Tuesday 26 February 2013

When Harry and Joey conquered the world

Hello there,

Throughout my BTEC course on Creative Media, I was given the task of creating my own movie poster.

I created my movie poster on Photo Shop. This took me a couple of days to create this movie poster as I had to think about who I thought who looked good for the part of Harry and Joey, once I picked who could play these characters I had to use the green screen and put them into a suitable position. Before I picked what position I wanted to put them in I looked at other posters that I thought would be similar to my movie poster.

Once I had my pictures taken I uploaded them onto Photo Shop, before editing and putting any of the background and text onto my movie poster I needed to take away the green that was from the green screen so it was a blank background I did this by using Color Range, you will find this tool under Filter. Then I needed to decide how big I wanted my characters to I brought more of an affect to people who maybe look at it, this is to make people want to watch your film.

When I finished positioning and arranging the height of my characters I needed to put a background in. I found my cloud effect background on Google images. I knew that I wanted something to to involve the world with my background as the name of my movie poster is 'When Harry and Joey conquered the world' When I looked on Google to similar kind of movie posters, I then decided that I wanted the background to be the sky, this is to create the metaphor of Harry and Joey being at the top of the world. To make the picture of the girl character look like to was floating on a cloud in the sky, I needed to put a white cloud effect around her, I found this effect on Photo Shop.

When I finished editing the characters and the background, I need to put text on the poster. As Photo Shop didn't have the font that I needed, I went onto a website called Dafont. Once I found the font that I thought suited the poster the most, I needed to Install this font so I could use it on Photo Shop. I installed two different kind of font from Dafont, these fonts were called BrushGrunge and Infected. I used the shadow effect on both kinds of fonts to make it look like the text is coming out of the poster.
In the word 'World' I replaced the letter 'O' with a picture of the world, I find this picture of Google images. I did this to create a metaphor for Harry and Joey conquering the world.

I hope you enoyed reading my blog and come back again.
love from Sophie :)

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