Tuesday 18 December 2012

My Movie Poster Proposal

Working title
The working title that I will be using for my movie poster will be When “Harry and Joey Concurred the world” When Harry and Joey have gone out and concurred the world; they find the Third character Sally who tries to stop their plans.

Summary of the content
I am planning to create a comedy movie poster on Photo Shop. This movie poster will include three main characters called Sally, Harry and Joey. The kind of colour theme that I will be going with when creating my movie poster on Photo Shop will be white and red, this is to create warmth in the poster with Harry and Joey’s dominance, to create tension with the audience.

Intended audience
My intended audience that I will be creating my movie poster for would be people with the age between 15-25. The kind of audience that I will want for my movie poster would be people who love a good bromance. I would say that both female and male would be focused on when making my movie poster. I will be using adult’s humor when creating my tagline, which will make the audience want to see the film.

Medium to be used
The medium for this movie poster will be Harry and John on top of a picture of the world, with Sally sat on a comfy chair with a Red Destroy button in her hands. The big Red Destroy button will tell the audience that Sally is there as the enemy.

Indication of the style
The indicated style for my movie poster will be the title When Harry and Joey concurred the world is in big bold dark red in Avenir Black text. I will have the names of the main characters at the top of the poster in the same text as the working title. The background of my movie poster will be black, with a picture of the world in the center. I will have the characters Harry and Joey stood on top of the world to show that they are superior and there is no messing with them. I will have the character sat in a comfy chair with a red destroy button in her hand, I will make Sally smaller than Harry and Joey.

Length or size of the product
The length and size that I am going to make my movie poster will be large as I am making my characters big to show that they are in charge now.

Mind Map Of My Movie Poster

I am writing this post to tell you about how I am going to create my own movie poster.

This is a mind map of all my ideas on what my movie poster could be about. I have chosen the genre Comedy, this poster will show two guys called Harry and Joey that have met a woman called Sally.
To create my movie poster i will be using my new skill on using the software PhotoShop.

I will keep you posted soon about my Movie poster with a Proposal.
Thanks for reading.

Friday 14 December 2012

Analysing Movie Posters

The Expendables Movie moster

I'm writing to tell you about how I made my own movie poster on The Expendables.
How I created my movie poster was by using PhotoShop. We used the green screen and accessories to take pictures of everyone in my media group. By using PhotoShop we were able to take each picture of everyone and remove the background of the green screen by using the Select and then Color Range tool.
After I chosen the people that I wanted to be in my movie poster and created three different layers for each person I saved a picture from the internet of an explosion.
I also used the internet to find the title The Expendables. I had to do the same thing that I did with the pictures of people.
I found everything else that has been put onto my movie poster on my Creative Media Hand Out. 
The I used the Text tool to tell the audience the three mains stars that are in my movie poster.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

PhotoShop poster

I am writing today to show you what I did in my creative media class, using PhotoShop and the Green screen.
When creating my poster I saved a picture of Sirius Black who was in the Harry Potter films on my documents, then opened it up on PhotoShop.
When I finally found what poster i wanted to stick my face on, i used the Green screen to take a picture of myself with the correct lighting. we had to make sure that the lighting on the picture of me was the same lighting that you would see on the actual poster.
Then I used PhotoShop to cut my head onto the poster, I had to use two layer for this. when I measured my head to the right size, I had to take a copy of the colour that was used on the poster to make my face the same colour, to make it look professional.

Thank you for reading my Blog.

Friday 23 November 2012

Photoshopping a person

This is a picture that i have PhotoShopped. this picture looks face as i have used the graphics Healing Brush, this was to take away all of the spots that she had on her face. Then I used the Blur Smart effect, this was to make the face a lot smoother, and get rid of the oily look on her face, this was the thing that made this person look fake. After that i used the rubber to erase the blurred effect on the background and on the hair, after i did that i made the rubber a lot smaller so that i can create the features on her face more natural.

This is what the person looked before I used PhotShop on her. this proves that celebrities do NOT look like this in real life, and that they have all been PhotoShopped before we see the image. 
We are not all perfect like the celebrities in the magazine that have been made this way on purpose, do NOT be tricked by what you see.

Hope you enjoy my Blog, i will be back soon.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

PhotoSopping pears

Hey blogging here about Photo Shop.
Just showing you how i went on my first time using this.
At first i was just pressing a lot of buttons, but after a bit i got use to using it and created many different affects for a picture of pears.